Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Day 6 Treatment

Emma had 200mg of ketamine over 4 hours again today. She came out appearing to have had "a few too many" and was quite comical for an hour or so afterwards. Apparently Pink Floyd on the ipod was what put her in such a happy mood and she insisted that she had been to space
and was surprised that she could still breathe there. Perhaps it was the dark side of the moon? She walked up the stairs of our house afterwards though was a bit wobbly. She has not slept this afternoon but instead has read her new book "New Moon" (a part of the "Twilight" series). We've all had a quiet day reading as it was cold out again. We've just closed off the day toasting marshmellows on the open fire.


  1. Pink Floyd always puts a smile on the dial so as long as space was cool :) Keep plenty of marshmellows on stand by !! xxxx

  2. Keith says, he understands "A certain amount of imbibing + Pink Floyd solves most problems"
    he has been there !
    Good luck for the rest of the week.
    Love to all
    XXXX 0000
