Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Hola Amigos

Well we've arrived in Monterrey! We arrived yesterday afternoon and stayed one night at the holiday inn. It's been quite amusing at times trying to talk to people that know little or no english, but we're having fun and I've decided we're all going to try to learn a new sentence each day.
Sentence for today is:
Por favor nos trae la cuenta
It means please bring the bill, dad tried it out on the waitress for our brunch this morning and she seemed to understand him fine!
We are now at the hotel that we are going to be staying at, it's near the hospital and there will be a free shuttle that can take us to the hospital, which is great!
We met with Dr. Cantu last night, he made a visit to our hotel. It was really good talking to him. He told us there is going to be five senior doctors that will be over-seeing my medical care and at least one will be there at all times. He also said that all the doctors live within 10 minutes of the hospital and that we can contact him 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, which is good!
We are going to go to the hospital tomorrow to check it out.
Nothing much is happening, I haven't seen any lizards here... I'll have to find out if they're here as well.
It seems a lot cooler here, although it is the same sort of temperatures, it doesn't have as high humidity so it's much more comfortable.
Much Love,



  1. Emma, Katie and I are praying for you. We read your blog each day as Katie prepares for your visit. We are always with you in our thoughts and prayers, as well as with your family!! Have a nice "nap" and wake up healthy.

    Love your friends
    Katie and Shirley

  2. All the very best, thinking of you all, cheers Kaye and Ern.

  3. *blows lots of love and kisses across the seas*
    so cool that Dr Cantu came to your hotel.
    what's the sentence for today?

  4. Hola! Como estas? I wish you all the best overseas! mucha suerte (good luck)cuidate (take care) mucho besos (kisses)
