Sunday, May 17, 2009

2nd NZ ketamine boosters

Emma had 2 high dose ketamine infusions in Rotorua (14th & 15th) May 2009 over two days. The infusions did not give Emma any pain relief.

1st NZ Ketamine boosters

It's been a while since we posted anything so I'm adding some details of treatments since Philadelphia. Dr Stephan Neff in Rotorua worked magic to set up the facilites for Emma to have 2 consecutive days of ketamine at 200mg over 4 hours (the same dose as in Philadelphia). Treatments began just over 2 weeks after the last Philadelphia treatment as advised by Dr Schwartzman. The infusions were performed on April 22nd and 23rd.

Prior to the Rotorua booster infusions, quite a few symptoms that ketamine had helped Emma with has started to return:
- hands: shakes, pain, weakness, sweaty, cold
- skin rashes / itchiness
- more pain
- poor sleeping
- eating difficult especially in the morning.

The pain in her right leg and foot was still always rated at 8 or 9 out of 10.

The booster infusions went well but again had no effect on right leg pain and marginal effects on other symptoms.

Luckily Dr Neff and Dr Schwartman are now communicating on the best course of action. Dr Scwhartzman still states that the best chance for Emma to beat the CRPS is to have the 5 day ketamine coma (which he calls a nap!). We know that the coma treatment in Germany is on hold and that the only other option is in Mexico and that Dr Schwartzman's paitents go to Germany.